Australia’s Chief Scientist, Dr Cathy Foley, has co-signed a statement with international science advisers reinforcing the need for action to address climate change, and emphasising that science and innovation will play a continuing and essential role in our future.

image of the earth from space

Australia’s Chief Scientist Dr Cathy Foley has welcomed Open Access Week from 25 October, which puts a focus on the need for research findings to be more widely available and easily accessible.

Unlocking the academic library.

Australia’s Chief Scientist, Dr Cathy Foley, has addressed the crucial need to build public trust as artificial intelligence plays an increasing role in day-

Artificial intelligence, a huge opportunity.

Australia’s Chief Scientist has a message for our senior high school students finishing their final year of school: "Don’t lose heart. Year 12 is your last year at school and it might feel like the end of something. But actually it’s the beginning of the rest of your life!"

Chief Scientist Cathy Foley

Australia will not solve its great challenges, including the development of new low-emissions technologies, a space industry, defence and quantum technologies, without making use of the full human potential, Dr Foley says.

Dr Cathy Foley pictured outdoors

Fifteen early and mid-career scientists bring the skills they gained during their PhDs to new roles helping policy development in the Australian Public Service.

Cathy Foley

Dr Foley was very impressed recently to receive a package of portraits of her from year 2 students at Burgmann Anglican School in the ACT. The students had been learning in their science unit about the Earth’s resources as well as researching Australian scientists. This led to an investigation of the role of Australia’s Chief Scientist, including about Dr Foley’s work and early life.

Chief Scientist portrait

The full potential of quantum technologies will not be realised unless it is developed in a way that recognises the diversity of the human experience, Cathy Foley says

Cathy Foley addressing the Diversity in Quantum event.

Open access to the research and science literature would help unlock the benefits of the fast-changing tools of science, Dr Cathy Foley says

Cathy Foley

Cathy Foley addressed the National Press Club on Wednesday on her agenda to improving connections between the research sector, industry and government..

Cathy Foley