National Hydrogen Strategy adopted

Australia’s Chief Scientist, Dr Alan Finkel, presented the National Hydrogen Strategy to the Council of Australian Governments Energy Council in Perth on 22 November 2019.
Dr Finkel said, “The strategy is ambitious but I believe that developing clean hydrogen offers a unique opportunity for Australia.”
“Australia has the renewable resources, the technology know-how, and the relationships with trading partners to make the most of the changing marketplace that is the energy sector.”
“When it comes to capturing and exporting solar and wind electricity by first splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen, clean hydrogen and its derivatives have no equal. Energy importing countries are hungry for hydrogen as part of their emissions reduction agenda, and Australia has the potential to supply much of their needs. We can be the leader in the new industry I call “shipping sunshine”.”
The National Hydrogen Strategy is available on the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science website
Watch this animation about hydrogen