Media Release: Chief Scientist welcomes CSIRO climate change research centre

Chief Scientist Dr Alan Finkel has issued a media release welcoming the announcement of a new CSIRO climate research centre based in Hobart.

You can read the media release below or download it as a pdf.



Australia’s Chief Scientist Dr Alan Finkel has welcomed the CSIRO’s commitment to establish a Climate Science Centre with a core capability of 40 full-time scientists, to be based in Hobart.

The announcement was made today by the CSIRO Chief Executive Dr Larry Marshall. Dr Finkel said he was heartened that the Board of the CSIRO has resolved to guarantee the centre’s staffing levels and resources for the next ten years.

Dr Finkel also welcomed the establishment of the independent, Ministerial level, National Climate Science Advisory Committee that will advise on the national climate science research priorities. Supported by the Industry, Innovation and Science Minister and the Environment Minister, Dr Finkel expects it will have an independent Chair and will include representatives of the CSIRO, the Bureau of Meteorology, and other Australian and international experts.

Dr Finkel said Australia had a rich history in world-class climate research and its future was now on a much firmer footing.

“The creation of a national climate research centre is the right move for Australia and I congratulate all the parties involved,” Dr Finkel said.

“This announcement recognises the importance of climate research, in particular modelling and observations, to our science and our community.

“The new centre is a stable building block in this critical field, which will both inform national policy and meet our international obligations.

“Australia has a central role to play in understanding the climate of the Southern Hemisphere.

“I welcome the strong commitment of the CSIRO to climate science. I also acknowledge the excellent advice provided by Rob Vertessy, the Director of the Bureau of Meteorology, by university leaders, academic leaders and other research organisations that led to the establishment of this collaborative and long-term centre.

“As I told a Senate Estimates hearing in February this year, Australia needs a continuous and highly effective commitment to climate science.

“I congratulate Dr Marshall on this successful outcome for Australian climate science,” Dr Finkel said.